Thursday, October 26, 2017

Fee fi pho fum...I sense there's more to our tap water scum

Everything around us can provide us answers to questions we choose to ponder on. The objects we prefer to rely on to help us during a critical situation could be another source of hurt. Within the week, we have collected water samples from the eyewash found in DB building. This particular eyewash is meant to help us rinse out any dangerously foreign substance that might have gotten in our eyes. It is meant to be clean and safe. However, after our thorough filtration process (using the apparatus shown in the first picture), we have managed to find bacteria within the water used to rinse out our eyes. We used PIA and PF plates, which are used to isolate Pseudomonas bacteria (shown in the second and third picture below)


  1. Hey Naya, the way you added humor to your title grabs the attention of readers. Your illustrations were on point as well; it made your blog come to life. It was fascinating that we found biofilms in the eyewash located at the laboratory. Now that we have the techniques to filter water, I wonder if we could have more water samples at Phoenix College.

  2. Naya, I definitely agree with Ibrahim's comment about engaging your audiences with a catchy title! Very funny and clever! I also find the irony with the bacteria growth from the eyewash sample to be hilarious. Additionally, I am super curious about the type of bacteria present in locally filtered water.



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